Flash is vector based and hence a lightweight option for animation with smaller file size as opposed to real movie files that are raster based with much larger file size. With Flash, you can express something to a visitor in a more efficient and attractive way. Flash applications can collect data, Online games, feedback forms, photo slide show, audio, movies, charts, shopping carts, and different web applications that server-side scripts can do. Flash technology makes it possible to make your Website more interactive and expressive. We porvide affordable Graphic & Multimedia design east london.

Just take a look at youtube, do you think it would be as successful if it did not include video? Even whatsapp and instagram have now started allowing the upload of personal videos. Videos incorporate audio and visual elements that appeal to multiple senses. They’re especially effective when used for product demonstrations or in as How-To guides, as viewers can actually see how certain things work or learn a new skill. The emotional impact of video ads is also significant. Websites design's and companies make a more solid personal relationship when you’re storytelling through sight and sound, connecting a viewer’s emotions to your product or service.

The primary video and motion graphic sites, including Facebook and You Tube, include features that enable you to see how your content performs, web analytics. Knowing the views, shares, likes and social interactions can help you plan future campaigns, which makes your content more effective at reaching your target audience. If these advantages of video advertising don’t motivate you to get on board, here’s one more big reason to do it: Your competition is distributing videos and capturing the attention of your potential customers. Now, you no longer have to wonder if you should bring video into your marketing fold.