Why Your Business Needs a Website, Not Just a Facebook Business Page


Why Your Business Needs a Website, Not Just a Facebook Business Page | Why have a website instead of Facebook

Social media is indeed a powerful tool and there is no surprise that it has business owners asking the question, do I need a website if I have a Facebook page? This question is common among business owners who have not yet had a website. In this post, we will run through why a Facebook page alone is not enough by talking pros and cons of a website vs Facebook and why Facebook can not replace a website.

Facebook is still a social media platform.

Don’t get me wrong Facebook is great and has provided success for many businesses. At its core, however, Facebook is still nothing more than a social media platform that is the difference between a website and a Facebook page, the users. Most users hop onto Facebook to see what friends or family are up to, to post updates about their lives – not to find a business or a service. 

Users who search for a service on the other hand are actively looking for a service. Let’s say they search web design services on Google or Bing. This is a purchase intent query and they are in the process of looking to buy in. This search will most likely return a business website and not a Facebook page. 

You may argue but hey there are business pages on Facebook, yes there are and they offer some great brand-building opportunities as a supplement to your marketing strategy but here is what a website can do that a Facebook page cannot. 

The website offers more credibility as opposed to a Facebook business page. 

Credibility factors of a website

Credibility factors of a website

Facebook business page.

Anybody can create a Facebook business page, including scammers and fraudsters. Anyone can have a Facebook page, and let’s be honest, we have all come across some rather suspect-looking pages on Facebook, but only a credible and professional business will have invested time and money into a business website its marketing and hosting. See website design costs. 

Business website. 

Investing in a well-made and professional business website, your online credibility will only improve. Having a user-friendly, well-designed, and professional website gives an excellent first impression of your business to the consumer and aids the legitimacy of your business (as a scammer is unlikely to go through the effort and cost to create a beautiful website). By having a professional website, a certain level of trust is built subconsciously and confidence is instilled in the consumer. They become less skeptical and place a trust in you that puts you above your competitors. Now, factors such as price, quality, and service become your arsenal for gaining new clients.  

A business website allows for more information and a design tailored for your target market. 

A website can be customised in many ways when compared to a Facebook page.

A website can be customised in many ways when compared to a Facebook page.

Facebook business page.

Facebook business pages are generic and all have the same layout, the only difference is what you post. It’s not the best place to showcase what your company is about, what all of your services are, and what work you have done. 

Business website.

A website gives contact details and other vital information, but also so much more. It is an opportunity to show off your business’s brand, your values, purpose, and lets you put your best foot forward. Time is money and having a website allows you to prioritize your information based on what your customers want to see first. You can make it uniquely yours by organizing your information in a business-specific manner, making it interactive, relevant to your business (such as your menu, reviews, blogs, and news), and giving your customer an experience they will remember and come to to back for. A website can be tailored for your target market, it can go in-depth about your business offerings, past projects. There are design elements that every small business website needs. 

A business website allows for more data on your clients. 

A website offers access to google webmaster tools and analytics.

A website offers access to google webmaster tools and analytics.

Facebook business page.

Facebook has a limited set of metrics that it offers as to the users that have interacted with your business page. These are likes, shares post engagements.

Business website. 

A business website grants you access to tools such as Google search console and Google analytics. These tools are incredibly sophisticated in gathering data about website visitors. They can tell you are, demographics, gender, the device the person used to view your website. Metrics can also tell how long visitors stayed on your website and what pages they looked at how they found your website.

This information allows you to perform market research with minimal effort. Or to constantly analyze consumer trends, identify shortcomings on your website, and increase overall user experience

A business website allows for your business to be identifiable

For a business to thrive, it needs to be individualized and distinguishable from the rest. Your business website design is crucial to building the brand of your small business.

Facebook business page.

If you look on any Facebook page, it is the branding of Facebook that is most prominent. This makes any attempt to individualize your business from a competitor’s using a Facebook page very difficult. You can change your pictures and name but not the size of placements on the page. This makes your business look very similar to any other and defeats the point of your Facebook marketing.

Business website.

By having a business website, you can customize what you want. Create a website and you will be one step further to creating a brand for your small business. By knowing who your target market is, you’re able to design your website to suit their needs. You can add pictures, interactive features, and customize them. This will align your website with your business brand and goals.

A website offers you more control than a Facebook page. 

Facebook business page.

Facebook has changed its terms and conditions multiple times in the last year. They do this very easily and don’t have to ask anyone for permission. If you don’t like the changes, they don’t have to let you use Facebook as a business. All those free ice cream “likes” you have been tallying could be gone tomorrow and there is nothing you could do about it. Facebook maintains all the control, and you have to play their game as they wish.

Business website.

A business website however gives you so much more control over the content you put out. The datasets you collect on users visiting your business website. There are no terms and conditions that can change tomorrow and force you to change how you run your business website. 

Paid advertising. Google ads vs Facebook ads 

Facebook business page.

Facebooks ads allow you to target people with certain interests and behaviors, it works a little the opposite of how AdWords works. This means that I may have an interest in web design and Facebook maybe about a web design service, however, I may not necessarily be ready for a website or may already have gotten one. Facebook is also still as I’ve said a social media platform and ads popping up at you can be invasive.

A business website 

A business website allows you multiple options for where to direct people from your Google Adwords account. These ads allow you to not only target people with specific interests, but people searching specific keywords. People that are actively looking for a service.

The website offers greater SEO and searchability

What would you do in case you want to look for a business in your locality? Google it or do you go on Facebook to search for it? You go on a search engine. That’s how people will search for a service or product relevant to your business. Meaning, unless they know the name of your brand, there is very little possibility for them to look for you on Facebook. Sure, search engines index Facebook pages, but again, your business website gives you the flexibility to optimize for a specific set of keywords relevant to your business which makes you easier to find.

Facebook is a supplement to your business 

I am by no men’s saying throw abandon your Facebook business page. We provide social media marketing and have seen Facebook or brands quite effectively. The catch is that all of the marketing on those Facebook pages were always pointing back to the business website, where the real conversion began. It’s also useful for brand awareness, putting your name out there, letting people get to know your business. Facebook is however not a direct selling tool. 

In summary the reasons you need a business website and not just a Facebook page for your website:

  • The website offers more credibility than Facebook.
  • Business websites allow you to tailor your content to your users. 
  • Business websites offer greater Search engine optimization options. 
  • Business websites allow for AdWords. 
  • A business website collects better data on users than Facebook pages. 
  • A business website offers you more control than a Facebook business page. 

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Written By: New Perspective Design

New Perspective Design is a leading graphic and web design agency based in East London South Africa. We also specialize in the fields of search engine optimization and online marketing with over 6 years of experience in the industry. Our agency has a passion for growing business online and thrives on mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.


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