Top 10 Web & Graphic Design Trends for 2024 
Last updated Dec 18, 2023

Top 10 Web & Graphic Design Trends for 2024 

We write these articles every year about the web design trends that are what most people assume are predictions and in fact, to a degree they are. These articles are also based on data. You don’t need to look far to see where websites are heading in the next year.

Often bigger brands such as Google, Facebook, and others with tons of user data are leading the way in what works. These combines deal with millions of users and they don’t get it wrong very often with design trends. Remember how we all hated Facebook redesign in 2023? Well, we all love it now. Other indicators are the adoption of new technologies and in the 2023 to 2024 timeframe AI is one of the big adoptions to web design. 

Below is a list of the top 10 web design trends for 2024. 

1. Emphasis on UX, UI and SEO First Websites

User Interface & User Experience: 


The emphasis on UX, UI, and SEO first websites is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Regarding UX, websites need to prioritize user experience by creating intuitive navigation, easy-to-use interfaces, and seamless interactions. This ensures that visitors can easily find what they are looking for, resulting in higher engagement and satisfaction.


Similarly, UI focuses on the overall look and feel of a website, including the choice of font, aesthetics, and design elements. A visually appealing and user-friendly design can greatly impact how visitors perceive a website and how likely they are to stay and explore further. 

White Space

The White Space website design trend in 2024 is set to continue its rise in popularity as designers prioritize clean and minimal layouts. This trend focuses on utilizing ample white or negative space in order to create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website. By allowing content and elements to breathe, White Space design enhances the user experience and draws attention to key elements on the page. In 2024, we can expect to see an even greater emphasis on White Space as websites continue to adapt to the increasing use of mobile devices. With smaller screens, White Space becomes even more important in creating a seamless and uncluttered browsing experience.

Additionally, this trend aligns with the growing demand for fast-loading and mobile-friendly websites, as White Space can help improve loading times and reduce visual noise on the page. As a result, we can expect to see more brands and businesses adopting the White Space website design trend in 2024 as they prioritize user experience and adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

Overall, the White Space website design trend in 2024 is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the overall aesthetic and functionality of websites as they continue to evolve and cater to the needs of modern users. 

Additionally, SEO-first websites prioritize search engine optimization to increase visibility and traffic. This includes optimizing content, meta descriptions, and keywords to ensure that the website ranks well in search engine results. By incorporating these elements into their websites, businesses can create a positive and impactful online presence that drives engagement and conversions. 

2. Animations & Interactive Elements 

Animations & Interactive Elements 
Animations & Interactive Elements 

The future of website design is bright, especially when it comes to animations. As we look ahead to 2024, several web design trends in animations for website design are emerging. One web design trend is the use of 3D animations to create more immersive and engaging user experiences. 3D elements can bring a website to life, adding depth and realism to the design.

Another trend is the use of micro-animations, which are subtle movements or effects that enhance user interactions and provide visual feedback. These micro-animations can improve user engagement and make the website more user-friendly. In addition, interactive animations are becoming increasingly popular, allowing users to interact with the website in more dynamic ways. This can include elements like scrolling animations, parallax effects, and interactive infographics. Furthermore, the use of motion graphics and cinematic effects is expected to rise, creating more visually stunning and engaging websites.

Finally, the integration of animations with advanced technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality is anticipated to become more common, as websites strive to provide truly immersive experiences. Overall, the future of animations in website design looks promising, with a focus on creating more visually appealing, interactive, and engaging online experiences for users. 

3. Web Content Personalised by AI


In 2024, website design trends will continue to be heavily influenced by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize web content. With the abundance of data available to businesses, AI will play a crucial role in delivering personalized web experiences to users. AI-powered algorithms will analyze user behavior and preferences to create customized content that resonates with each individual visitor.

 This personalization will go beyond just simple recommendations and will extend to the entire website experience, including layout, color scheme, and interactive elements. Tools such as Chat GPT, Google’s New Gemni Pro, and Vertex AI will help us write better content analyze datasets and provide robust personalized solutions such as custom Chat bots. As a result, users will feel more engaged and connected to the websites they visit, leading to higher levels of satisfaction and conversion. Other tools such as DALL·E 2 and image generators will allow website and graphic sites to create stunning images that are tailored designer for website target audiences.

In addition to AI-driven personalization, website design in 2024 will also prioritize user-centric experiences. This means that websites will be designed with the user in mind, with a focus on intuitive navigation, fast load times, and seamless interactions. Mobile-first design will continue to be a priority, as more users access the internet through their mobile devices. Responsive and adaptive designs will be crucial to ensuring a consistent and optimized experience across all devices.

 Overall, the future of website design will be characterized by AI-driven personalization and user-centric experiences, ultimately leading to more engaging and effective websites. Web designers will see to the accuracy and realism of the generated websites, AI is still a long way from producing human-quality content and design but for now, it can certainly speed up the process and provide new insights and methodology. 

4. Claymorphism 


Claymorphism will be a website design trend in 2024, marking a departure from the flat and minimalistic designs that have dominated the digital landscape in recent years. This emerging trend is characterized by a tactile and sculptural quality, reminiscent of clay or other malleable materials.

The use of soft shadows, 3D elements, and playful animations will bring depth and texture to web design, creating a more inviting and immersive user experience. As technology continues to advance, designers are able to blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds, and Claymorphism is a testament to this evolution.

The trend is likely to be embraced by brands and businesses looking to differentiate themselves in a crowded online marketplace, as it offers a unique and memorable visual aesthetic.

With a focus on creativity and storytelling, Claymorphism will allow designers to break free from the constraints of traditional web design, ushering in a new era of interactive and engaging digital experiences. As we look ahead to 2024, it is clear that Claymorphism will be at the forefront of website design trends for the year. 

5. Parallax Scrolling Animations

Scrolling Animations will be a website design trend in 2024. As technology continues to advance, web designers are constantly looking for new ways to engage users and create memorable online experiences. Scrolling animations allow for a dynamic and interactive website design that captivates visitors as they navigate through the site.

 These animations can include parallax effects, fading in and out of images and text, or even interactive elements that respond to the user’s scrolling. With the increasing demand for immersive and engaging web experiences, it is no surprise that scrolling animations are predicted to be a prominent website design trend in 2024.

This trend not only adds a touch of modernity to the overall look of a website but also provides a more interactive and engaging experience for the user. As websites continue to evolve to meet the needs of an increasingly digital world, incorporating scrolling animations will likely become a standard practice for web designers in the near future.

With the potential to make a website more visually appealing and user-friendly, it is clear that scrolling animations will be an essential element of website design trends for 2024. 

6. Kinetic or Dynamic Typography and Font

Dynamic Typography and Font
Dynamic Typography and Font

In 2024, one of the most prominent website design trends is the use of Kinetic or Dynamic Typography. This trend involves the use of moving or animated text to create a more engaging and interactive user experience. By utilizing kinetic typography, website designers can bring websites to life and create a more memorable and impactful visual experience for visitors.

 This trend is particularly popular for brands looking to make a bold statement and stand out in a crowded digital landscape. With advancements in technology and web design tools, implementing dynamic typography is becoming more accessible and is expected to be a staple in website design for the coming years.

Not only does dynamic typography capture the attention of users, but it also adds a level of personality and creativity to a brand’s online presence. From subtle animations to more dramatic and elaborate text movements, kinetic typography allows for endless possibilities in creating unique and memorable website experiences.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, kinetic typography provides a way for brands to differentiate themselves and make a lasting impression on their audience. This trend is a reflection of the growing emphasis on creating visually compelling and interactive web designs to captivate and engage users. 

7. Oversized Text as Hero Image

In 2024, the website design trend of using oversized text as a hero image is set to dominate the digital landscape. This trend involves using large, attention-grabbing text as the main focal point of a website’s landing page, often accompanied by a visually striking background image.

 Oversized text can effectively convey a brand’s message and draw users in, making a powerful first impression. This trend is a departure from the minimalist approach that has been popular in recent years, signaling a shift towards bold, eye-catching designs that demand attention.

The use of oversized text as a hero image can also enhance accessibility for users with visual impairments, as the large text is easier to read and comprehend. Furthermore, it can be particularly effective for mobile users, as it ensures that the messaging is clear and easy to engage with on smaller screens.

As a result, this trend is expected to be widely adopted by businesses and organizations looking to create impactful and visually compelling websites. In the ever-evolving world of digital design, oversized text as a hero image is poised to be one of the defining website design trends for 2024. 

8. ​​Minimalism Meets Maximalism

​​Minimalism Meets Maximalism
​​Minimalism Meets Maximalism

In 2024, the website design trend that is gaining traction is the mix of minimalism and maximalism. This approach combines the clean, simplistic aesthetic of minimalism with the bold, vibrant elements of maximalism, creating a visually dynamic and engaging user experience.

This trend is a response to the ever-evolving digital landscape, where designers are constantly seeking new ways to capture and maintain the attention of their audience. By blending the two styles, websites are able to strike a balance between modern sophistication and expressive creativity.

The minimalism aspect brings a sense of clarity and focus to the design, allowing for easy navigation and a streamlined interface, while the maximalism features add a sense of energy and excitement, with rich colors, intricate patterns, and diverse textures creating a visually stimulating experience.

This trend reflects the diverse and eclectic nature of web design in 2024, as websites become more personalized and tailored to individual tastes and preferences. As technology continues to advance, the blend of minimalism and maximalism in website design is a reflection of the ever-changing digital landscape and the need for websites to continuously evolve and adapt to the latest trends and user preferences.

9. Microinteractions


In 2024, microinteractions will continue to be a prominent website design trend. These small, subtle animations or effects that respond to user actions have become essential for creating an engaging and interactive user experience. As websites strive to stand out in a sea of online competitors, incorporating microinteractions can help capture and maintain the attention of site visitors. These small interactions, such as animated buttons, hover effects, or scrolling animations, provide a sense of feedback and delight for users, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

Additionally, microinteractions can also serve a functional purpose, guiding users through the website navigation or indicating the completion of a certain action. As websites evolve to become more user-centric, the incorporation of microinteractions will be crucial in capturing and retaining user engagement.

With the ever-increasing emphasis on user experience and interactivity, microinteractions will continue to be at the forefront of website design trends for 2024. As designers and developers seek to create more dynamic and impactful websites, the use of microinteractions will be a defining feature in the quest for innovative and user-friendly digital experiences.

By seamlessly integrating these small yet impactful details, websites will be able to captivate and retain the attention of their audience, ultimately setting themselves apart in an increasingly competitive online landscape. 

  1. Emphasis on UX, UI and SEO First Websites
  2. Animations & Interactive Elements 
  3. Web Content Personalised by AI
  4. Claymorphism 
  5. Parallax Scrolling Animations
  6. Kinetic or Dynamic Typography and Font
  7. Oversized Text as Hero Image
  8. Minimalism Meets Maximalism
  9. Microinteractions

Written By: New Perspective Design

New Perspective Design is a leading graphic and web design agency based in East London South Africa. We also specialize in the fields of search engine optimization and online marketing with over 6 years of experience in the industry. Our agency has a passion for growing business online and thrives on mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.

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