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The Real Cost of R300 Websites

The Real Cost of R300 Websites

Custom Web Design suited to your business needs Our company meets face to face with client to discuss the best strategies based on our knowledge of web design practice and marketing and your unique business experience. This allows us to charge for your deign according...

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Website and graphic design FAQ

Website and graphic design FAQ

Questions and answers on Web Design. Working with a web and graphic design agency can be a little overwhelming as there as so many things a person would like to know. Some of the more common questions are featured on this FAQ for...

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Google Analytics, your business website adviser.

Google Analytics, your business website adviser.

Google Analytics, your business website adviser. Using data to analyse where your company or website is doing well , and where it is failing is absolute key. In google analytics you literally have a wide range of data sets and metrics telling you : "This country likes...

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